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Pro-Coaching 17 Years




School Games Mark

School Games Kitemark

We have been informed that the future sports premium funding will be dependent on schools achieving the School Games Mark as this is one of the few things the Government can measure the outcomes of their funding.

The award can be achieved at either Bronze, Silver or Gold status.

We are supporting schools to achieve their status, we are asking schools to complete a 5 minute questionnaire by clicking here

Achieving GAMES MARK is broken down into two key areas; PARTICIPATION and COMPETITION.


Participation is about the school being able to track pupils participation in Level 1 and Level 2 activities. Does your school provide opportunities to attract the less active pupils?


Do you provide a calendar of competition that demonstrates opportunities for pupils to take part in competitions? Have you held a Sainsbury’s School Games Day as a culmination of a year round competition programme? Does your school participate in enough level 1 intra school and level 2 inter school competitions.

How we can help...

Providing quality PE provision (over 200 hours every week) as well as a range of after school clubs (over 100 every week). We have worked with many of our schools for a long time and our staff are part of the school staff. Not only can we sit down with you and discuss your questionnaire findings with you we can also tailor our services to suit your exact requirements. Whether that is our range of exciting after school clubs delivered by our qualified coaches, running intra school days or providing the staff to manage your pupils level 2 inter school teams. We can help you write a programme of activities that will enable your school to reach the required GAMES MARK certification to ensure that you receive this funding in future years.

If you have any questions please contact us