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Pro-Coaching 17 Years




Social Distancing and Cleanliness Policy

This is obviously a worrying time for everyone but rest assured we at Pro-Coaching will be doing everything we can to adhere to social distancing and making sure that all staff and children are following our cleanliness and social distancing guidelines.  Pro-coaching see themselves as a very important part of maintaining the health and wellbeing of children and its staff.  Participation in sport and activity is going to be an ongoing essential part of everyone's lives still going forward. And opportunities we can provide are going to be providing will be very important.

Please if there are any worries and concerns that you may have about your child participating please email us at and we will answer them. 


  • Make sure that all children and coaches wash their hands before the session starts and after session finishes.
  • Aim to do sessions outside where we can.
  • All equipment is wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes after use.
  • On holidays equipment is wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes at lunchtime as well.
  • Coaches stay 2 metres away from children, parents and teachers at all times.
  • Coaches and children to use hand sanitiser every twenty minutes where possible, Pro-Coaching will provide the hand sanitiser, children can bring their own small bottle if they wish.
  • Aim to put children two metres apart in sessions.


Justin Burke
