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Pro-Coaching 17 Years





FAQHow do I make an online booking?

In order to ensure that we offer the best (and safest) possible service to you and your child, we need to collect individual details for the child for each course booking made.

Locate the course(s) you wish to book and if daily booking options are available, make sure you indicate the day(s) you want to book. 

Next, complete the Course Booking Form - don't forget to tell us whether your child is at a basic, intermediate or advanced level in the chosen sport - and click the button to add the course to your Basket. 

You can then repeat this process for each additional child or course to be booked, using 'Checkout' when you have finished shopping and are ready to make payment. 

Note: Please add only one child per booking. You MUST complete the fields shown in RED


FAQHow do I assess my child's ability level?

Knowing the ability level in which to put your child is always tricky and subjective. It's not the end of the world if you get it wrong as our experienced coaches will always try to stream the children to make sure that ability levels are balanced out.

However, it would help us enormously if you could assess your child based on the following criteria:

  • Basic: Your child has either not participated at this sport before or has had limited experience at developing their skills at this sport.
  • Intermediate: Your child has been playing or being coached at this sport for at least two years and has also had some experience at playing matches at school and/or club.
  • Advanced: Your child has been playing this sport for at least 4 years, plays regularly at school and/or club and has perhaps played some representative matches at this sport.


FAQIs there an alternative to online payment?

Yes of course! We appreciate that not everyone may wish to, or be able to use the internet to book and pay for courses, so we offer a choice of alternatives. 

  • By Telephone: Please call Customer Services on 01823 413776 to pay by card over the telephone.
  • By Cheque: You may have received a booking form through the post or directly from your child. Please complete it and return it to us with a cheque for the full amount.

Completed forms and cheques should be sent to:

Po Box 751


FAQWhere can I find directions to the venues?

Links to maps are included on the main page for each venue - select a specific venue under the 'By Venue' link and follow the 'Map Link' hyperlink in the details provided at the top of the page.

Similarly, following the 'Click Here For Full Details' link under specific courses will take you to a detailed course information page that also offers a map link.

In each case, the map link will open a new window (you may need to temporarily suppress your pop-up blocker) presenting the venue details in MultiMap, from where you can zoom in and out and navigate around as required. 

Towards the upper left of the MultiMap page there is an option to 'Get Directions'. Clicking this link will allow you to input your location to obtain detailed driving directions to the venue. 

Note: Through a feature of MultiMap the venue location is automatically placed on Box A, which is the starting point. To get directions from your location to the venue please copy the venue location into Box B and enter your location into Box A


FAQMy child is at an advanced level - can they work with an older age group?

We have experience of children as young as 8 years old participating quite happily in the 10-14 age group. We are pleased to accommodate this as long as you are sure that your child will be comfortable in the older age group. We also reserve the right to revisit any such arrangement with parents if it appears that the child is unhappy or it is working to the detriment of their development.


FAQCan I simply turn up and pay on the day?

To avoid disappointment, we would strongly discourage this approach - courses often reach capacity or are closed just a few days before they are due to take place. Availability on the day therefore cannot be guaranteed.

Parents are always welcome to telephone Customer Services (01823 413776) at short notice to check availability.


FAQWhat does my child need to bring with them?

Detailed, specific instructions on the requirements for each course are provided when you click the 'Click Here For Full Details' link at the bottom of each course. But in general terms:

Please DO bring....

  • A packed lunch
  • Drinks 
  • Sun cream, hat and any other protective clothing in warm weather
  • Appropriate footwear - both boots and trainers can be required on some courses
  • Appropriate clothing - don't get too warm or too cold
  • Gum shields and shin pads, as required
  • Personal sporting equipment, as required

Please DO NOT bring...

  • Valuable personal items such as MP3 Players, Games, Toys, etc
  • Mobile phones - if essential for emergencies they must remain switched off and stored in the child's bag


FAQHow can I find out if there are still places available?

Please refer to the specific course on this site - when a course is full it will be clearly indicated and you should not be able to make a booking for that course.

If in doubt, you can also call Customer Services on 01823 413776.


FAQDo you provide all the equipment my child will need to take part?

We provide all normal sporting and safety equipment, apart from personal items such as gum shields, swimwear, footwear and shin pads. Please make arrangements with us in advance of the course if you need us to provide items such as tennis rackets or hockey sticks.

Of course, your child is free to bring their own equipment if they prefer.